房屋ID: M079类型:独栋泰式崭新风格豪华别墅区域: 芭堤雅东部户型: 3房3卫占地: 1084平产权: 公司名过户费: 50-50总价: 4400万泰铢
House ID: R007Type: Urban Convenience Living condoArea: Pattaya CityUnit type: 3 bedrooms and 3 bathroomsArea: 129 square metersRental price: 48,000 baht/month
房屋ID: R007类型: 市区便利生活公寓区域: 芭堤雅市区户型: 3房3卫面积: 129平出租价格: 48000泰铢/月
House ID: R006Type: Double Storey Pool VillaArea: Pattaya Huay YaiUnit type: 5 bedrooms and 5 bathroomsArea: 450 square metersRental price: 135,000 baht/month
房屋ID: R006类型: 双层泳池别墅区域: 芭堤雅会艾户型: 5房5卫面积: 450平出租价格: 135,000泰铢/月