16847448466669 芭堤雅 Pattaya

M118 芭提雅东区翻新装修房子3房2卫140平 总价279万泰铢

房屋ID: M118
类型: 翻新装修房子
区域: 芭提雅东区
户型: 3房2卫
占地: 140平
产权: 公司名
过户: 50-50

House ID: M118
Type: Single house near Soi Siam
Area: Pattaya East
Unit type: 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms
Occupation: 140 square meters
Property rights: company name
Transfer: 50-50
Total price: 2.79 million baht

芭提雅东区 翻新装修房子 16847448284273 16847448309450 16847448327349 16847448367100 16847448386296 16847448397485 16847448408356 16847448431823 16847448454301 16847448466669

16859738898172 芭堤雅 Pattaya

M117 芭提雅东区 凤凰高尔夫球泳池大别墅 4房6卫 800平 总价1890万泰铢

房屋ID: M117
类型: 凤凰高尔夫球泳池大别墅
区域: 芭提雅东区
户型: 4房6卫
占地: 800平
建面: 250平
产权: 公司名
过户: 50-50

House ID: M117
Type: Phoenix Golf Pool Villa
Area: Pattaya East
Unit type: 4 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms
Occupation: 800 square meters
Construction area: 250 square meters
Property rights: company name
Transfer: 50-50
Total price: 18.9 million baht

16859738830198 16859738898172 16859738987982 16859739066883 16859739140988 16859739198067 16859739269611 16859739382041 16859739467517 16859739605053 16859739664501 16859739737589