16559847815248 租金 Rent

R065 Pattaya South Unixx Condo 2 bedrooms 2 bathroom 62SQM Rental Price 22000 baht

House ID: R065
Type: Unixx condo
Area: Pattaya South
Unit type: 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms
Occupation: 62 square meters
Rental price: 22,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R065
类型: Unixx condo
区域: 芭堤雅南区
户型: 2房2卫
占地: 62平
出租价格: 22000泰铢/月

16559847710898 16559847722997 16559847734886 16559847745401 16559847766077 16559847773913 16559847788166 16559847804001 16559847815248

16556701946139 芭堤雅 Pattaya

M102 芭提雅东区 独栋单层翻新房子 3房2卫 320平 总价 329万泰铢

房屋ID: M102
类型: 独栋单层翻新房子
区域: 芭提雅东区
户型: 3房2卫
占地: 320平
产权: 泰国名

16556701897063 16556701946139 16556701990711 16556702039829 16556702055478 16556702081727 16556702138596 16556702161096 16556702178676 16556702201175 16556702232773 16556702388283 16556702418444

16554557711627 租金 Rent

R064 Pattaya East Private Pool Villa 3 bed 3 bath 880SQM Rental Price 65000 baht

House ID: R064
Type: Renovated New Furnished Private Pool Villa
Area: Pattaya East
Unit type: 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms
Occupation: 880 square meters
Rental price: 65,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R064
类型: 翻新私人泳池别墅
区域: 芭堤雅东区
户型: 3房3卫
占地: 880平
出租价格: 65,000泰铢/月

16554557646595 16554557660529 16554557676496 16554557682808 16554557706581 16554557711627 16554557733108 16554557753518 16554557763381 16554557806078 16554557819326 16554557829875

16554315960356 租金 Rent

R063 Pattaya East 3 Storey Private Pool Villa 3 bedroom 4 bathroom Rental Price 48000 baht

House ID: R063
Type: 3 Storey Private Pool Villa
Area: Pattaya East
Unit type: 3 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms
Rental price: 48,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R063
类型: 私人泳池三层别墅
区域: 芭堤雅东区
户型: 3房4卫
出租价格: 48000泰铢/月

16554315960356 16554316078524 16554316133690 16554316161831 16554316272645 16554318230714 16554318519742 16554318680976 16554318932141 16554319045896

16554249406432 租金 Rent

R062 Jomtien Pattaya Large Family Comfort Pool Villa 3 bedroom 4 bathroom 816SQM Rental Price 72000 baht

House ID: R062
Type: Large Family Comfort Pool Villa
Area: Jomtien District, Pattaya
Unit type: 3 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms
Occupation: 816 square meters
Rental price: 72,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R062
类型: 大户舒适泳池别墅
区域: 芭堤雅中天区
户型: 3房4卫
占地: 816平
出租价格: 72000泰铢/月

16554249300558 16554249352569 16554249406432 16554249464356 16554249506850 16554249530167 16554249576993 16554249667953 16554249718044 16554249788644 16554249818539

16554194175725 租金 Rent

R061 Naklue Pattaya Riviera Wongamat Studio 32 SQM Rental Price 13000 baht

House ID: R061
Type: Riviera Wongamat
Area: Naklue District, Pattaya
Type: Studio
Occupation: 32 square meters
Rental price: 13,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R061
类型: Riviera Wongamat
区域: 芭堤雅那歌区
户型: 开间
占地: 32平
出租价格: 13000泰铢/月

16554194175725 16554194190457 16554194200840 16554194215933 16554194232443 16554194245596 16554194257415 16554194264844 16554194276875

16554136114144 租金 Rent

R060 Pattaya East Detached Private Pool Villa 4 bedroom 5 bathroom Rental Price 150000 baht

House ID: R060
Type: Detached Private Pool Villa
Area: Pattaya East
Unit type: 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms
Rental price: 150,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R060
类型: 独栋私人泳池别墅
区域: 芭堤雅东区
户型: 4房5卫
出租价格: 150,000泰铢/月

16554136114144 16554136201759 16554136241034 16554136283336 16554136354224 16554136387591 16554136416109 16554136463969

16554077486728 租金 Rent

R059 Pattaya East Large Private Pool Villa 5 bedroom 4 bathroom Rental Price 160000 baht

House ID: R059
Type: Large sized private pool villa
Area: Pattaya East
Unit type: 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms
Rental price: 160,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R059
类型: 大户型私人泳池别墅
区域: 芭堤雅东区
户型: 5房4卫
出租价格: 160000泰铢/月

16554077403362 16554077486728 16554077591192 16554077695705 16554077796109 16554077854500 16554078000465 16554078049790 16554078107405 16554078177644

16536741678296 scaled 租金 Rent

R058 Pattaya East Private Pool Villa 4 bedroom 4 bathroom Rental Price 60000 baht

House ID: R058
Type: Private Pool Villa
Area: Pattaya East
Unit type: 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms
Rental price: 60,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R058
类型: 私人泳池别墅
区域: 芭堤雅东区
户型: 4房4卫
出租价格: 60,000泰铢/月

16536740327982 16536740416618 16536740479360 16536740574097 16536740707711 16536740817602 16536740851350 16536740874740 16536740901347 16536741022856 16536741128152 16536741261106 16536741442389 16536741678296

16532501815367 租金 Rent

R055 Pattaya Maprachan Lake Large Family Private Pool Villa 4 bedroom 5 bathroom 1200SQM Rental price 100000 baht

House ID: R055
Type: Large Family Private Pool Villa
Area: Pattaya Maprachan lake
Unit type: 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms
Occupation: 1200 square meters
Rental price: 100,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R055
类型: 大户私人泳池别墅
区域: 芭堤雅大湖区
户型: 4房5卫
占地: 1200平
出租价格: 100,000泰铢/月

16532501815367 16532501854397 16532501889403 16532501935229 16532501983097 16532502023711 16532502086674 16532502129765 16532502181469 16532502234776 16532502297528