16779867825647 租金 Rent

R107 Pattaya East Private Pool Villa 4 bedroom 5 bathroom 640 SQM Rental Price 55000 baht

House ID: R107
Type: Eastside Private Pool Villa
Area: Khaotalo, Pattaya
Unit type: 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms
Occupation: 640 square meters
Rental price: 55,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R107
类型: 东区私人泳池别墅
区域: 芭提雅Khaotalo
户型: 4房5卫
占地: 640平
出租价格: 55000泰铢/月

16779867782724 16779867825647 16779867859733 16779867992134 16779868045345 16779868091424 16779868114645 16779868142741 16779868168403 16779868207872 16779868229376 16779868247187 16779868274125

16774075453530 土地 Land

M111 Bangsaray Near Sukhumvit Land with storage 1236 SQM Total Price 12.5 million baht

House ID: M111
Type: Land with storage
Area: Bangsaray near Sukhumvit
Unit type: 3 offices, 1 foyer, 1 bathroom,big parking space
Occupation: 1236 square meters
Building surface: 432 square meters
Property rights: company name
Transfer: 50-50
Total Price: 12.5 million baht

房屋ID: M111
类型: 商务地+储藏室
区域: Bangsaray
户型: 3办事处1门厅1卫生间
占地: 1236平
建面: 432平
产权: 公司名
过户: 50-50

16774075085054 16774075108376 16774075129729 16774075162820 16774075200341 16774075218487 16774075453530

LINE ALBUM Mantara 220513 2 1 租金 Rent

R106 Pattaya Soi Siam Community Private Pool Villa 4 bedroom 3 bathroom 368 SQM Rental Price 45000 baht

House ID: R106
Type: Community Private Pool Villa
Area: Pattaya Soi Siam
Unit type: 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms
Occupation: 368 square meters
Rental price: 45,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R106
类型: 小区私人泳池别墅
区域: 芭提雅Soi Siam
户型: 4房3卫
占地: 368平
出租价格: 45000泰铢/月

LINE ALBUM Mantara 220513 0 1 LINE ALBUM Mantara 220513 1 1 LINE ALBUM Mantara 220513 2 1 LINE ALBUM Mantara 220513 3 1 LINE ALBUM Mantara 220513 4 1 LINE ALBUM Mantara 220513 5 1 LINE ALBUM Mantara 220513 6 1 LINE ALBUM Mantara 220513 7 1 LINE ALBUM Mantara 220513 8 1 LINE ALBUM Mantara 220513 9 1 LINE ALBUM Mantara 220513 10 1 LINE ALBUM Mantara 220513 11 1 LINE ALBUM Mantara 220513 12 1

16769382105446 租金 Rent

R105 Pattaya East Patta Village Pool Villa 4 bedroom 3 bathroom 344 SQM Rental Price 50000 baht

House ID: R105
Type: Patta Village Private Pool Villa
Area: Pattaya East
Unit type: 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms
Occupation: 344 square meters
Rental Price: 50,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R105
类型: Patta Village私人泳池别墅
区域: 芭提雅东区
户型: 4房3卫
占地: 344平
出租价格: 50000泰铢/月

16769289976716 16769290044727 16769290120536 16769382055320 16769382105446 16769382992574 16769383033874 16769383083877 16769383129701 16769384129966 16769384200732 16769384257450

LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 14 租金 Rent

R104 Pattaya East SP3 Community Private Pool Villa 3 bedroom 4 bathroom 520 SQM Rental Price 45000 baht

House ID: R104
Type: SP3 Community Private Pool Villa
Area: Pattaya East
Unit type: 3 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms
Occupation: 520 square meters
Rental price: 45,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R104
类型: SP3小区私人泳池别墅
区域: 芭提雅东区
户型: 3房4卫
占地: 520平
出租价格: 45000泰铢/月

LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 0 LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 1 LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 2 LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 3 LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 4 LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 5 LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 6 LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 7 LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 8 LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 9 LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 10 LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 11 LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 12 LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 13 LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 14 LINE ALBUM SP3 220513 15

16768421508608 芭堤雅 Pattaya

M110 芭提雅东区 舒适双层联排 3房2卫 130平 总价 239万泰铢

房屋ID: M110
类型: 舒适双层联排
区域: 芭提雅东区
户型: 3房2卫
占地: 80平
建面: 130平
产权: 泰国名
过户: 50-50

16768421508608 16768421554646 16768421610419 16768421675288 16768421724287 16768421781342 16768421875072 16768424174091 16768424263252 16768424313383 16768424431331 16768424476564

16768136988123 租金 Rent

R103 Pattaya South Cozy Private Pool Villa 3 bedroom 2 bathroom 400 SQM Rental Price 60000 baht

House ID: R103
Type: Cozy Private Pool Villa
Area: Pattaya South
Unit type: 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms
Occupation: 400 square meters
Rental price: 60,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R103
类型: 舒适私人泳池别墅
区域: 芭提雅南区
户型: 3房2卫
占地: 400平
出租价格: 60000泰铢/月

16768136902289 16768136988123 16768137040372 16768137088854 16768137127176 16768137175165 16768137258530 16768137303180 16768137351514 16768137451496 16768137498262 16768137545570 16768139981673 16768140051730

16751801742170 租金 Rent

R102 Pattaya East Cozy Large Garden Villa 3 bedroom 2 bathroom 452SQM Rental Price 35000 baht

House ID: R102
Type: Cozy large garden villa
Area: Pattaya East
Unit type: 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms
Occupation: 452 square meters
Rental price: 35,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R102
类型: 舒适大花园别墅
区域: 芭提雅东区
户型: 3房2卫
占地: 452平
出租价格: 35000泰铢/月

16751801773395 16751801812999 16751801878999 16751801899191 16751801915797 16751801933364 16751801969672 16751802023112 16751802058494 16751801742170

16752669294570 租金 Rent

R101 Pattaya Jomtien Near Beach Private Pool Villa 5 bedroom 4 bathroom 312 SQM Rental Price 60000 baht

House ID: R101
Type: Near Beach Private Pool Villa
Area: Pattaya Jomtien
Unit type: 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms
Occupation: 312 square meters
Rental price: 60,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R101
类型: 近海私人泳池别墅
区域: 芭提雅中天
户型: 5房4卫
占地: 312平
出租价格: 60000泰铢/月

16752669237487 16752669294570 16752669334681 16752669399812 16752669489569 16752669600867 16752669701265 16752669795582 16752669927295 16752670000774 16752670121916 16752670210503 16752670261754 16752670369638 16752670446507

16745976103790 租金 Rent

R100 Jomtien Luxury Pool Villa 4 bedroom 4 bathroom Rental Price 150000 baht

House ID: R100
Type: Offshore Luxury Private Pool Villa
Area: Pattaya Jomtien
Unit type: 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms
Rental Price: 150,000 baht/month

房屋ID: R100
类型: 近海豪华私人泳池别墅
区域: 芭提雅中天
户型: 4房4卫
出租价格: 150000泰铢/月

16745970876932 16745970944099 16745971025712 16745971119937 16745971202889 16745971281578 16745972212252 16745972397273 16745976103790 16745976208246 16745976271564 16745976461806 16745980910827