House ID: R092Type: Riviera JomtienArea: Jomtien District, PattayaUnit type: 1 bedroom 1 bathroomArea: 35sqm/14th floor/sea viewRental Price: 19,000 baht/month
房屋ID: R092类型: Riviera Jomtien区域: 芭堤雅中天区户型: 1室1卫占地: 35平/14楼/海景出租价格: 19000泰铢/月
房屋ID: M105类型: 全新摩登私人泳池别墅区域: 芭提雅东区户型: 4房5卫占地: 500平建面: 400平产权: 公司/泰国过户: 3%总价:2380万泰铢
House ID: R091Type: The OrientArea: Jomtien District, PattayaUnit type: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroomOccupation: 35sqm/7th floorRental price: 7000 baht/month
房屋ID: R091类型: The Orient区域: 芭堤雅中天区户型: 1室1卫占地: 35平/7楼出租价格: 7000泰铢/月
House ID: R090Type: Seven SeaArea: Na Jomtien, PattayaUnit type: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroomOccupation: 35sqm/1st floor, swimming pool viewRental Price: 8000 baht/month
房屋ID: R090类型: Seven Sea区域: 芭堤雅纳中天区户型: 1室1卫占地: 35平/1楼 泳池景出租价格: 8000泰铢/月
House ID: R089Type: Venetian condoArea: Na Jomtien, PattayaUnit type: 2 bedrooms and 2 bathroomsArea: 64 square meters / 4th floor, pool viewRental price: 28,000 baht/month
房屋ID: R089类型: Venetian condo区域: 芭堤雅纳中天区户型: 2室2卫占地: 64平/4楼 泳池景出租价格: 28000泰铢/月
House ID: R088Type: Venetian condoArea: Na Jomtien, PattayaUnit type: 2 bedrooms and 2 bathroomsOccupation: 64 sqm/7th floorRental price: 25,000 baht/month
房屋ID: R088类型: Venetian condo区域: 芭堤雅纳中天区户型: 2室2卫占地: 64平/7楼出租价格: 25000泰铢/月
House ID: R087Type: Northpoint CondoArea: Naklue District, PattayaUnit type: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroomOccupation: 65sqm/16th floorRental price: 32,000 baht/month
房屋ID: R087类型: Northpoint Condo区域: 芭堤雅Naklue区户型: 1室1卫占地: 65平/16楼出租价格: 32000泰铢/月
House ID: R086Type: Centric SeaArea: Pattaya CityUnit type: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroomOccupation: 35sqm/11th floorRental price: 15000 baht/month
房屋ID: R086类型: Centric Sea区域: 芭堤雅市区户型: 1室1卫占地: 35平/11楼出租价格: 15000泰铢/月
House ID: R085Type: ApusArea: Pattaya KlangUnit type: 1 bedroom 1 bathroomOccupation: 76 square meters / 1 floorRental Price: 15000 baht/month
房屋ID: R085类型: Apus区域: 芭堤雅市区户型: 1室1卫占地: 76平/1楼出租价格: 15000泰铢/月
House ID: R084Type: Center PointArea: Pattaya 3rd RoadUnit type: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroomOccupation: 58sqm/4th floorRental price: 11,000 baht/month
房屋ID: R084类型: Center Point区域: 芭堤雅3路户型: 1室1卫占地: 58平/4楼出租价格: 11000泰铢/月